Registrar (Birth & Death Certificates)

The Crowley County registrar can provide birth and death certificates. It is best to visit the office in person with the appropriate identification as spelled out in the birth and death certificate applications listed below. IF you do not live close please call for other options such as mail.

Office Location

Crowley County
603 Main Street Suite 2
Courthouse Annex
Ordway, CO 81063

719-267-5555 x3

FAX 719-267-3114

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Birth Certificate Request.pdf

Death Certificate Request.pdf



The admin office is now accepting credit card payments for Vital Stats. Please call the admin/Vital Stats office at 719.267.5555 extension 3 to make a payment. Transaction fees apply.



