Hi Welcome to the Crowley County Community Coalition Event webpage
We are a group of citizens dedicated " To coordinate, promote and advance activities, efforts, schedules and resources in the pursuit of community objectives"for Crowley County.
Please e-mail crowleycountyevents@gmail.com to gain editable access to this calendar in order to add your events yourself or with your information for posting. We encourage you to gain access to input your events yourself.Everyone/Anyone add this calendar to your GOOGLE Calendars by Clicking the +Google in the lower right hand part of the calendar so you have quick access to the Calendar.
Don\'t Forget to Share this calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=crowleycountyevents%40gmail.com&,ctz=America%2FDenver
If you are looking for events in the surrounding areas Otero/Crowley County Communities that Care has started a multi-county calendar: https://oc-ctc.org/events/
Sponsored by the Crowley County Community Coalition