
Purple and white flower

In the youngest of the four sister towns, you will find peace and quiet.

The Town of Crowley was named after State Senator John H. Crowley who was instrumental in the formation of Crowley County. Started by a gentleman and farmer by the name of A.J. Bowers, Crowley has protected a rural way of life and economy, still based on integrity and caring for one another.

In the Town of Crowley they take being a good neighbor to heart. Hospitality is more than just an expression posted over the doorway of a business, it is way of life. In fact, they are so friendly that Crowley is the home of the County's only museum and the one of Southeastern Colorado's premiere gathering spots.

Contact Information:

Town Clerk: Leslie Terrones
Email: townofcrowley@crowleycounty.net


The Town of Crowley hosts its town operations in the lower level of the Crowley Heritage Center.


Town of Crowley
300 Main Street
P.O. Box 24
Crowley, CO 81033
Phone: 719.267.3384
Fax: 719.267.3384

Hours of Operation:

Monday-Friday from 9:00 to 12:00


Black Hills Energy
Customer service: 888.890.5554
Emergency service: 800.694.8989

Natural Gas
Source Gas
Customer service: 800.563.0012

Town of Crowley - Town Hall
Customer service: 719.267.3384
Water/sewer manager: 719.267.3498